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Auction Time: October 06, 2024 / 08:45 PM PDT
Auction 26587
Grandson Witpen 720/928 Dikke Witpen Super-Super Tounier/Hofken!!! AU 40218 07
Auction #26587




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Currently: $50.00   First bid: $25.00
Quantity: 1   Bid Increment: $5.00
    # of Bids: 3
Seller (rating): jimhalekw (0)   Auction Status: CLOSED
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Auction Start: 12/30/2008 / 07:22 PM PDT  
Auction End: 01/04/2009 / 06:00 PM PDT  
  Shipping Cost: $45.00


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Grson 720/928 Full brother to AU 40265 07 on auction now. Sire's Ped is in display!!!

This is the exact breeding of 40265 with a clearer pic. I potsted the BWL ped because the ped of this bird is the exact same as 40265 that is also listed this week. They are both Grandsons of the famous 720/928 pair. If you don't know these birds by now find other birds to bid on. The BWL cock bred to Ceria was a hit pair for me, I bought their young from Pete Hogan before I bought the pair. I tried her with direct sons from GFL with great results, but the BWL cock that Pete had paired her with was the one!!! I sold Ceria last year on pigeonauctions so you can look up her ped as well. You can also email me at for a clearer pic of 40265, I posted the regect pic. 40218 is another fine example of what this pairing can do Super Super Super!!! The BWL cock is a secret winning bloodline, the 720/928 was well known through Kenny Roddes, the pair is a hit!!! I am breeding from a brother and two sisters this year in big money races and will win!!! 40218 is also boyant in hand with a fantastic wing, both he and his brother have eyes to breed winners!!!

Current High Bidders

Bidder Bid # Date / Time
tiger $45.00 1 01/02/2009 05:36 AM

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